Factory direct sales 230g boxed iron bar yam powder, customer promotion meal replacement powder, reviews, business gifts at the meeting

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Được bán bởi:
Sản phẩm nội bộ

Giá bán:
17.00đ /g
Giảm giá:
16.66đ /g

Số lượng:
(2242 Có sẵn)

Tổng giá:
Chia sẻ:
cross-border properties
unit weight0.5kg
Product attributes
Product barcode36985423636
Production license numberSC10236098310489
Whether to importno
Net content (specification)230g
Storage methodcool dry place
Production DateSee packing
shelf life18 months
Packaging specificationsThis product is shipped in pieces, 24 boxes per piece
brandmedical safety
Sales methodPackage
Whether gift boxedno
Does it contain sugar?No added sucrose
Storage conditionsAt normal temperature
CraftsmanshipAncient bran stir-fry
certified productno
food categoryinstant food
Main nutrientsyam
Item number025
Product standardsSee packing
country of originAnhui
Raw materials and ingredientsiron bar yam
product description
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