The Dutch local Hero Baby Platinum Edition 3-stage imported infant milk powder can be purchased in three stages: 1, 2, and 4.

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23.00đ /g

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(1423 Có sẵn)

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Product attributes
Whether to importyes
shelf life720 days
Product Categoryherobaby platinum version
brandHero Baby/Talent Power
Varietyinfant milk powder
SuitableInfants and toddlers under 3 years old
Applicable stageUnder 3 years old
Raw materials and ingredientsSee packaging for details
Production Dateconstantly updated
Storage methodSeal the shade
Types of milk powderInfant milk powder
Country/Region of OriginNetherlands
Item number48184
Packaging specificationsSection 1 of the Bonded Zone (please remark the ID number) is 2025.5, Section 2 of the Bonded Zone (please remark the ID number) is 2025.10, Section 3 of the Bonded Zone (please remark the ID number) is 2025.9, Section 4 of the Bonded Zone (please remark the ID number) is 2025.6
Storage conditionsnormal temperature
product description


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